Holsters: $700 gun, $12 holster, right?
Holsters: $700 gun, $12 holster, right? Holsters: A prospective handgun buyer will spend hours researching which firearm is right for them. They’ll look at caliber, size, options and cost before making a purchase. Unfortunately, most [...]
Concealed Carry 102: What Caliber is Right for You?
Choosing the caliber and ammunition for the gun you will carry is very important for more reasons than simply determining how well you can control your handgun. So what caliber handgun is the best? Contrary [...]
Training: I don’t know if I should do this training.
Training: The simple thing to remember is that training is about learning concepts and developing muscle memory. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to legitimize why their courses are so expensive. Good [...]
Training: $700 for a gun, never took it out of the box, is that right?
Training: Why do you need training? “All I need to do is flick the safety, right?” No, it really comes down to being responsible. Would you go to the surgeon who’s training consisted [...]
Cover or Concealment: Which is which?
What do both these terms mean? What is the difference between cover and concealment? Cover are those objects or locations that should be able to stop most bullets from travelling through. For example, a [...]
Muscle Memory: Proven Self-Defense Training Tips
One of the most common questions we hear is what makes for a “consistent shooter”. The simple answer would be a lot of practice. But some instructors will say, “Do exactly what I say and [...]