Self Defense FundamentalsValor Training Group2017-03-02T14:03:28-05:00
Self Defense Fundamentals
For both Men and Women. This is four hours of improving your own personal safety and the safety of those around you. In today’s world, anyone can become a victim. You don’t need a black belt in the martial arts to learn the basics to defend yourself.
Our workshop addresses:
*Situational Awareness;
*Learning an attackers motives and why they attack;
*Self Defense Techniques that can save your life;
*Personal Defense Devices that you can utilize to defend yourself or others.
Our trainers have years of experience in Law Enforcement as Defensive Tactics Instructors certified by NYS. Why not learn some of the best techniques used by law enforcement to protect yourselves.
Our Self Defense Fundamentals workshop is also available as a closed course for Church Groups, Employer/Employees, Students, Parents, Clubs etc.