Pepper SprayValor Training Group2017-03-02T14:13:47-05:00
Self-Defense Pepper Spray
This Self-Defense Pepper Spray class is designed to provide you with training on how to avoid danger and, if necessary, how to defend themselves with this non-lethal weapon. This course will help you learn how to become more aware of your surroundings and help you avoid potentially dangerous situations. We explore the effects of pepper spray, different types of pepper spray and how to use it effectively. Students practice with inert training devices to gain confidence in the use of pepper spray devices.
Upon successful completion of this course, you’ll receive a certificate and the knowledge necessary to protect yourself. (18 years of age and older)
• Strategies to Discourage a Potential Threat
• Self Defense Techniques to Escape an Attacker
• Keeping a Safe Distance
• Build Muscle Memory
• Steps to Proper Deployment
• Best Techniques to use Pepper Spray