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The Valor Training Group, LLC is licensed by New York State to conduct security guard training in compliance with the NYS Security Guard Act of 1992, which requires that all security officers receive standard training required for pre-employment and on an annual basis.

Our security training instructors are all New York State certified and have many years of experience in training in both law enforcement and security industry environments.

Training for security guards was mandated by the Security Guard Act of 1992. The Act requires that all security guards complete three training courses. Armed guards are required to complete two additional training courses. All courses must be conducted at approved training schools, by certified instructors. The Division of Criminal Justice Services, Office of Public Safety provides administrative oversight for private security training in New York State.

Valor Training Group, LLC provides the following courses as mandated by New York State law and regulated by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services:

  • The first required course is an Eight Hour Pre-Assignment Training course. This is a general introductory course. Upon successful completion of this course the guard is issued a training certificate. This certificate must accompany the security guard’s registration application when submitted to the Department of State. Once the application is submitted, the guard has 90 days to complete the second training course.


  • The second required course is the 16 Hour On-the-Job Training course (OJT). This training program is relevant to the guard’s duties, requirements of the work site, and the needs of the employer. All security guards must take this class within 90 days of being hired. This course is a follow up to the 8 hour Pre-Assignment Training Course. It’s a more detailed course about procedures, laws and responsibilities.


  • The third required training program is the Eight Hour Annual In-service course. This training must be completed each calendar year following completion of the 16 Hour OJT course. This program is designed to meet current training needs as well as update guards in changes in the security field. The guard must complete this course as a prerequisite for renewal of his or her guard registration.


  • Guards who carry firearms are required to complete a 47 Hour Firearms course before they can be licensed as an armed security guard. This course includes seven hours of classroom instruction in the Use of Force (NYS Penal Law Art. 35) followed by a written examination, and 40 hours on the firing range followed by weapons qualification. Upon successful completion of this course the guard is issued a training certificate. This certificate must accompany the security guard’s registration application when submitted to the Department of State.



  • Armed guards must also complete an Annual Eight Hour Firearms Training course which includes three hours of classroom refresher on the Use of Force followed by a written examination, and five hours of weapons qualification which includes a proficiency examination. The guard must complete this course as a prerequisite for renewal of his or her armed guard registration.

