
First and foremost, home invasions have been part of our society for decades.  In the simplest terms you’re the last one to walk out the front door to go to work, giving the burglar ample to rattle the doors and windows looking for the unlocked one or more brazenly he kicks in the one giving him the most concealment.  Once inside he has free reign to walk around, go through every closet, drawer and jewelry case in the house.  By the time you or your family gets home the burglar has already pawned or sold the items on the street.

Here’s the catch… depending on who you are, where you work, how desperate the bad guy is these home invasions occur while you or your family is there.  They happen at all times even when you’re asleep.  Just read the local police blotter.  And if you think your immune then then you’re sadly mistaken.

Local law enforcement serves a purpose, “To Serve and Protect” however they can’t see or hear everything.  They are not super heroes with super powers.  So where does that leave you the potential victim.  Hopefully it leaves you with the mindset that you need to prepare for the worst.  You might have to survive on your own for 5, 10, 30 or 60 minutes or more.  There’s a big misconception that when a person calls 911 that they’ll get an immediate response, not true folks, the calls are dispatched in order of priority.  Response may take an officer from across town, or across the county.

The first, most important part of home invasion defense is to have an immediate action plan. Here are just a few of the steps:

  • Plan for where to go – secure yourself, look for alternate exit
  • Make a phone call to 911
  • If you don’t have a firearm on you, where is/are the firearm(s)

Remember whatever your plan is, you have to have one. Your family has to know what it is and you and your family have to practice it, just like a fire drill.  Remember those?

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